
we create a path

we help social + environmental equity organizations listen and share the whole story of successes and impacts. together we create a path for community expression through empathy-supported first-person narrative and portraits.

our path honors relationship in five ways


welcome with respect

we connect about your vision, relationships you foster, and the difference you make. we explore stories to strengthen your impact. we provide a proposal + services agreement. we go over questions, establish our parameters for success and move forward.


create safety together

you invite and support community members whose journeys are integral to your impact to share their experience. we establish shared understanding for community care in our work together.


honor stories

we honor partcipants’ stories in empathy and photography. we transcribe, edit, format, and integrate in attunement. participants check for accuracy and comfort and we revise with respect. we compile the empathy and portrait story series with congruency as a whole.


offer gratitude

participants share their stories, energy, time, and resource. you provide generous stipends in gratitude for the meaning and resource shared and in acknowledgment of the benefits your initiative receives when people share their experience.


share with care

stories move people. voters, funders, designers, and policy makers can see what is needed to develop social equity. folx can be inspired to engage your resources. support partners can get behind your impact. you can nurture community and strengthen well-being for all.


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