Anne Bailey


I don’t believe there is a sense of community in Hale County.  We have never overcome the integration issue. There is a lack of feeling that this town and county are ours: that we want to be part of it, take care of it, spend our money here, and work together to make Greensboro and Hale County something we can be proud of. We're making some changes now that look like possibilities and these changes can become worthwhile. I hope and pray so.

We haven’t found the meeting ground yet—the place where we say “Ok: all these things happened, we regret that they happened, now it’s time to move forward, and not continue to place blame. What are we going to do now?” I have hope: This is where I live, this is where I choose to live, I grew up here, I plan to grow old here.

I hope some people stay up and pull others up to that level educationally and economically instead of everybody going down. If people live in squalor and hopelessness what can they hope for? More squalor? more hopelessness? We need decent places to live, clean water, nutritious food, a decent home, and quality education. One person alone can’t do much, and a few people can’t do much. We need many people to work together.

It is very important to have a place to come together. We need a neutral safe gathering place where people can drop barriers and old resentments. Having a space for the community to meet regularly is something we have not done before. Our future depends on our making changes together. I think that we’ll feel a sense of togetherness and purpose if we work together to do something we can be proud of. 

Anytime changes are made it’s a struggle. We know the old ways are not getting us anywhere, but there’s conflict about making change. We’re afraid of losing control. We’ve already lost control. So let’s face up, pick up, and realize we’re going to be as strong as the weakest link. I think we need to strengthen our weakest links to improve our hometown and county.

Anne Bailey

Business Owner, Sledge Hardware. Greensboro, Alabama

Bailey’s Bed and Breakfast. Newbern, Alabama 

Outsidein. A Community Space for Hale County


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